Nutrition Disclaimer
Recipe Binge (“Recipe Binge”, “”, “”, “we” or “ us”) provides nutrition information for recipes listed on this website. This nutrition information is provided as a courtesy, and should not be relied upon as guaranteed. We calculate this nutrition information using a third party tool called Nutrifox at Although we make our best effort to ensure the accuracy of this nutrition information, these figures should be considered estimates. There are many variables and factors that may contribute to fluctuations and differences in nutrition information, such as, but not limited to cooking styles, measurements, ingredient brands and the way ingredients are processed. Furthermore, different online nutrition calculators and third party tools may provide different results if they use different algorithms and nutrition sources to calculate nutrition information. Under no circumstance shall Recipe Binge, its representative(s), affiliate(s), writer(s) and publisher(s) (collectively, “Recipe Binge”, “”, “”, “we” or “ us”) be liable for any loss or damages caused by your use of or reliance on nutrition information content.
In order to obtain the most accurate nutrition information of a recipe, you should calculate it from the actual ingredients you are using, with your nutrition calculator of choice. You are solely responsible for ensuring that any nutrition information found in a recipe is complete and accurate. We are not responsible for any errors., the related mobile website, and the mobile application (collectively, the “Website”) is written and produced for informational purposes only. Recipes and statements found on this website have not been evaluated nor approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Furthermore, recipes, statements, suggestions or content found on this website are not medical nor nutritional advice, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. If you are in need of medical/nutritional advice or treatment, please seek the assistance of a licensed professional, and do not consider the content found on this website a substitute for licensed professional advice or treatment. You are solely responsible for consulting with a licensed health professional in regard to health concerns and conditions you may have, and before beginning a new diet or health related program. Recipe Binge, its representative(s), affiliate(s), writer(s) and publisher(s) (collectively, “Recipe Binge”, “”, “”, “we” or “ us”) are not responsible for any adverse reactions, effects, or consequences that result from the use of any recipe, statement, suggestion or content found on this website.